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Removing the IRS Commissioner

Congress has been investigating the IRS's treatment of conservative tax-exempt groups for over two years. So far, Congress has reviewed more than a million pages of documents, conducted more than 50 transcribed interviews and held several public hearings. Despite this, the IRS has still not provided the answers to what happened to the Lois Lerner emails that were destroyed after a preservation order was given. 

The IRS could have prevented the destruction of up to 24,000 relevant emails. Instead, IRS Commissioner Koskinen has been unwilling to provide assistance, and has provided only misleading statements to Congress. It is time for new leadership at the IRS.

The American people deserve to have confidence in the IRS. We can only move forward with new leadership so I have called on the President to remove the Commissioner so that we can restore the trust in the IRS that the American people deserve.


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