Monday, August 5, 2024: With Hurricane Debby making landfall in the Florida panhandle and tracking a path across North Florida and South Georgia, our excellent Emergency Management personnel throughout the district are hard at work preparing for what might lie ahead. Although it has been downgraded to a Tropical depression now, it is still a dangerous storm bringing lots of rain and wind along its path. This morning, I join the Glynn County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), County Commission and other offices and agencies at the Command Center in Brunswick as we are brought up to date on the latest forecast and planning. From Mayors to Sheriffs to road supervisors, almost every area of government imaginable is represented and all are working together to prepare for the worst. While the impact of the storm on Glynn County and the Golden Isles is still somewhat unknown, the Glynn County EMA has everyone singing from the same song sheet. Afterwards, I head to St. Mary’s in Camden County where I had previously scheduled a visit and tour of their new Resiliency Center that I was proud to have secured a $1.24 million grant as part of the Fiscal Year 2024 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act. Not only is the centers work to protect, restore, and responsibly develop Camden County, it is also a partnership with the College of Coastal Georgia, Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of Georgia, to engage, educate, and monitor Georgia’s coastal environment. The specialized facility helps provide the seven main geographies (Camden County, Cities of Kingsland, St. Marys, Woodbine, Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Cumberland Island National Seashore, and Little Cumberland Island) with increased communication capacity for resilience. I’m led on a tour of this most impressive state-of-the-art facility with County Commission Chairman Ben Casey, County Commissioner Lannie Brant, County Manager Shawn Boatright, EMA Director Chuck White and others. Obviously, the recent opening of the facility is excellent timing as Debby, although seemingly taking a more northern path, is threatening the area. Once back in our Brunswick district office, I have a phone interview with the National Review to discuss my work on Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBM’s) and the role they play in driving up prescription drug prices. After a great virtual meeting with the Congressional Excellence Program Director, Mark Sobol, I join in on a Workplace Rights and Responsibilities training program that is required of all members to be completed every year.

Rep. Carter at the Camden County Resiliency Center
Tuesday, August 6, 2024: I spend most of the morning on the phone checking in on areas in the district that are being impacted by Debby. Afterwards, I join in on our all staff conference call while heading to the Chatham County Courthouse in Savannah for a press conference with the Chatham/Savannah EMA. Prior to the press conference, we have a briefing from the various cities and agencies present for an update on their individual situations. The press conference is a case study on how an emergency response should be handled. The coordination and cooperation of the cities and agencies within Chatham County is impressive to say the least. Under the leadership of Chatham EMA Director Dennis Jones, the group is collectively focused on the well-being of our citizens first and foremost while also paying close attention to the infrastructure in the area. Next, I head to our Brunswick district office where I record a number of videos including Buddy’s Briefing, Material Minute, and a welcome address to the Georgia Bio Patient Summitt being held next week.

Rep. Carter at Chatham/Savannah EMA Press Conference
Wednesday, August 7, 2024: I’m up early and live on Fox Business Network’s Mornings with Maria as we discuss the most dangerous and radically liberal Presidential ticket in our Nation’s history with the Harris-Walz candidacy as well as how President Trump will unleash American energy production once he is back in office. Afterwards, I head to Darien in McIntosh County where I meet with County officials including Commission Chair Kate Carwacky, County Manager Patrick Zoucks, County Attorney Adam Poppell, and Industrial Development Authority (IDA) CEO Tom Draffin to discuss the future development of McIntosh County and surrounding areas. After an informative and productive meeting, I stop by the offices of my good friend Kathleen Russel, editor and owner of the Darien News, to discuss local issues impacting McIntosh County. Once back in our Brunswick district office, I have a very productive phone conference with Assistant Attorney General Jonathan Kanter to discuss the work of the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding PBM’s and their egregious practices.

Rep. Carter on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business
Thursday, August 8, 2024: After checking in on areas in our district this morning, it appears we have not had catastrophic damage from Debby although we have had major flooding in some areas as well as damage to roads and crops. I simply cannot say enough good things about our EMA’s throughout the district who have done an outstanding job of preparation and response during this storm. I continue to encourage everyone to remain vigilant during the cleanup from Debby and remind everyone that we still have a long time left in this hurricane season. I’m live on Fox Business’s Big Money Show this afternoon as we discuss how the dangerously and radically liberal ticket of Harris/Walz would further drag down the American economy.

Rep. Carter joins The Big Money Show on Fox Business
Friday, August 9, 2024: I’m in Savannah today where, along with other elected officials, we welcome Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Lt. Governor Burt Jones, and Speaker Jon Burns (R-Newington) to our area for a press conference to discuss the recovery efforts from Debby. After a helicopter tour of the area by the 3 state leaders, I join a briefing of the leaders with state and local EMA personnel before the press conference. Earlier this week, Governor Kemp requested a federal emergency declaration for arears in our state and on Tuesday, I lead a bipartisan letter of our Georgia Congressional delegation to President Biden encouraging him to grant the Governor’s request. Thankfully, the President did so, freeing up federal funds and resources that will help us recover from Debby. I applaud the Governor’s leadership here, thank my Congressional colleagues for joining me on the letter, and thank President Biden for granting this request. Later in the afternoon, I have a phone conference with the Chairwoman of the House Education and Labor Committee, Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), to discuss legislation she is sponsoring.

Rep. Carter attends press conference with Governor Brian Kemp and Georgia elected officials