Monday, October 25, 2021: I’m up early this morning and live on Mornings with Maria on Fox Business to discuss the Democrats proposed $3.5 trillion tax and spend infrastructure bill, as well as, the on-going disaster at our southern border. A link to my interview can be found here. Once back at the Capitol, I have another live interview on Fox Business. This time I’m discussing new oil and gas regulations that are being proposed by the Biden Administration. A link to my interview can be found here. Next, I join in on our all staff conference call and later have a phone conference with a constituent who is currently a student at the University of Georgia and is studying political science. Afterwards, I have a meeting in my office with my longtime friend, Dr. Brooks Keel, who is currently President of Augusta University.
I first met Dr. Keel when he was President of Georgia Southern University, a position he held before becoming President of Augusta University. Dr. Keel briefs me today on the MCG 3+ program in preparation for his testimony before the Energy and Commerce (E&C) Health Subcommittee tomorrow. This innovative curricular redesign will allow medical students to complete their academic work in 3 years instead of the usual 4 years. This program will guide students toward primary care careers in the medically underserved rural parts of Georgia. Next, I meet with representatives from the American Veterinary Medical Association before speaking virtually on a Heritage Action Sentinel Strategy Call where I discuss Washington Democrats’ push to indoctrinate our children by teaching radical ideas like Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public schools. After our weekly Whip Team meeting, I head to the House Chamber for our first vote series of the week and remain in the chamber after votes where I pay tribute to the National League Champion Atlanta Braves.
A link to my tribute can be found here.
Tuesday, October 26, 2021: After our weekly GOP Conference this morning, I head to the House Chamber where I pay tribute to our District Director, Brooke Childers, who has been honored as one of Georgia Southern University’s 40 Under 40.
Brooke happens to be in Washington this week for the annual District Director Fly-In and is happily surprised by my tribute. I also pay tribute to National Pharmacy Month, the Savannah-Hilton Head International Airport and Tony Cone, formerly of Savannah who recently passed. A link to my tributes can be found here, here, here, and here. Afterwards, I head to the aforementioned E&C Health Subcommittee hearing on legislation to support patients, caregivers, and providers. A link to my questions can be found here. Next, I head back to my office where I meet with representatives from Enterprise Rental Cars and the American Alliance for Vehicle Owner’s Rights (AAVOR) to discuss legislation they are proposing. Afterwards, I meet with members of the National Cotton Council, including my good friend, Kent Fountain from Wayne County who is serving as their Chairman this year.
After heading to a meeting hosted by GOP leadership to discuss the $3.5 trillion “big government, socialism, tax and spend bill,” I return to my office where I speak virtually to the National Organization of Rheumatology Managers (NORM) before heading to the House Chamber for our first and only vote series of the day. Afterwards, I head to the Cannon Rotunda where I have a live interview on One America News Network (OANN) to discuss CRT being taught in our schools. Next, I head back to the House Chamber to speak during a Special Order on Veterans Battling Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which is being led by Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY). A link to my comments can be found here. Once back in my office, my final interview of the day is on NewsMax’s Chris Salcedo Show as I discuss Afghanistan, inflation, and other news of the day. A link to my interview can be found here.
Wednesday, October 27, 2021: After a couple of meetings off Capitol Hill, I head back to the Rayburn House Office building for an E&C Environment & Climate Change Subcommittee hearing on the Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) and Public Health. A link to my questions can be found here.
Next, I head down the Hill to 1111 Constitution Ave, which is the headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) where I film this week’s edition of Buddy’s Briefings. Once back on Capitol Hill, I have a virtual call with Shepherd Center CEO Sara Morrison and other members of their leadership team. Located in Atlanta, the Shepherd Center specializes in medical treatment, research, and rehabilitation for people who suffer from a spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, or other neuromuscular condition. Having worked with this great facility many times in the past, I can attest to the great work they do. Afterwards, I head to the House Chamber for our first and only vote series of the day and remain in the Chamber afterwards to pay tribute to the Hindu Heritage Month. A link to my tribute can be found here. Next, I head to an E&C Big Tech Task Force meeting where we hear from Professor Jonathan Turley of The George Washington University. My day ends with a reception off Capitol Hill with the Doctors Caucus as we welcome our special guest, former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Dr. Ben Carson.
Thursday, October 28, 2021: My day begins where it left off yesterday – with a Doctors Caucus meeting. This morning we welcome Grace-Marie Turner, President of the Galen Institute, as she shares with us polling and patient focus group information on Quality-Adjusted Life-Year (QALY) and health budget information. After a meeting off Capitol Hill with representatives from Animal Wellness Action, I head back to a Select Committee on Climate Change hearing on International Climate Challenges and Opportunities. A link to my questions can be found here. Our final vote series of the week is scheduled around lunch time today, but the Democrats have us in delay mode while they try to garner votes for their $3.5 trillion “big government, socialism, tax and spend bill.” After a visit to the Capitol this morning by President Joe Biden, who is trying to rally his party to pass this monstrosity of a bill that will lead to the highest tax increase in the history of our country, the Democratic leadership still cannot garner the votes they need. After an afternoon of “hurry up and wait” the Speaker finally gives up and late in the evening we finally vote to pass another extension of the Surface Transportation Act that will carry the program through December 3rd. As we leave town for the weekend, the bipartisan infrastructure bill that was passed by the Senate and the $3.5 trillion big government, socialism, tax and spend bill are mercifully still not passed by the House.