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Carter leads bill amending tax code to recognize value of destroyed timber

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) introduced the Disaster Reforestation Act, a bill to help working forests recover from a natural disaster by amending the tax code to recognize the value of destroyed timber. The current tax code disadvantages forest landowners by restricting their ability to claim loss from destroyed timber, harming their ability to reforest…

Carter wins fight against NOAA’s jobs-killing speed restriction for Atlantic Coast

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today successfully urged the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to rescind a proposed jobs-killing speed restriction for boats 35’ to 65’ along the Atlantic Coast. The move comes after boaters, harbor pilots, and business owners raised concerns that the new safety regulations, nobly designed to protect the North…

Carter statement on EPA approving California’s gas-powered car ban

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA), Chair of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials, today released the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved California’s waiver to implement its de facto ban on gas-powered vehicles: “The dangerously radical Biden-Harris administration is…

Carter testifies on updated bill protecting boaters, harbor pilots from unworkable speed restrictions

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today testified before the House Natural Resources Committee in favor of his bipartisan bill to delay funding for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) proposed jobs-killing, dangerous speed restrictions for boats 35’ to 65’ until the Department of Commerce can fully implement new monitoring systems for North…

Subcommittee Chair Carter Opening Remarks at Hearing on EPA’s Budget

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Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Chair Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-GA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s subcommittee hearing titled “The Fiscal Year 2025 Environmental Protection Agency Budget.” RUSH-TO-GREEN AGENDA IS DESTROYING AMERICAN MANUFACTURING “I recently assumed…

Subcommittee Chair Carter Opening Remarks at Hearing on EPA's Harmful RMP Rule

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Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Chair Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-GA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s subcommittee hearing titled “EPA’s RMP Rule: Failures to Protect the American People and American Manufacturing." EPA’S REGULATORY BLITZ “The RMP rule will affect…

Carter cosponsors bill creating Georgia’s first National Park

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today cosponsored a bipartisan bill to establish Georgia’s first National Park, introduced by U.S. Senators Jon Ossoff and Reverend Raphael Warnock, Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA), and Rep. Sanford D. Bishop, Jr. (D-GA). The bipartisan, bicameral Ocmulgee Mounds Park and Preserve Establishment Act would establish Ocmulgee Mounds…

Chairs Rodgers and Carter: Biden’s Radical EV Mandates will Hurt Families and Cede American Leadership to China

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) and Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Subcommittee Chair Buddy Carter (R-GA) released a statement following the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) announcement of the final rule for its reckless tailpipe emissions standard, which mandates that 67 percent of all new…

Subcommittee Chair Carter introduces bill reversing negative impacts of Biden’s jobs-killing air quality standards

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Chair Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today introduced H.R. 7650, the Air Quality Standards Implementation Act of 2024, a bill that makes practical changes to reform the broken process used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish and implement the National Ambient…

Subcommittee Chair Carter Opening Remarks at Environment Subcommittee Markup of a Bill to Modernize Air Quality Standards

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 WASHINGTON, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Environment, Manufacturing, and Critical Materials Subcommittee Chair Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-GA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Environment Subcommittee markup of a bill to modernize air quality standards.   NAAQS PROCESS IS BROKEN  “Just three weeks ago, this Subcommittee held a…