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Carter bill to boost domestic critical mineral processing included in H.R. 1, the House’s top legislative priority

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter’s (R-GA) bill to boost domestic critical mineral processing was included in House Majority Leader Steve Scalise’s (R-LA) H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, which was released this week and represents the House of Representatives’ top legislative priority for the 118th Congress.

Rep. Carter’s bill, H.R. 1070, enhances America’s ability to develop critical energy resources by improving the environmental permitting processes at critical minerals refining and process facilities. The bill advanced through the House Energy and Commerce Committee earlier this month, where Rep. Carter spoke in favor of the legislation:

“We are losing to China in the race to supply the world with critical minerals, and it’s not even close. This bill is just one part of a much larger effort to fix permitting in our country and extends the official invitation to those who wish to invest in critical mineral processing to do so here, in America. The time to act is now and I thank House Republican leadership for giving this bill the immediate attention it deserves,” said Rep. Carter.

“Last Congress, House Republicans set a Commitment to America to prioritize a bottom-up, community-led approach where we prioritized the real needs of our constituents and country over politics. H.R. 1, The Lower Energy Costs Act, is a culmination of that promise. I commend the leadership of Congressman Buddy Carter, as well as every member who has spent the last 18 months dedicated to lowering energy costs for American consumers. Because of those efforts, we now have a bill that will grow our economy, strengthen our national security, and ensure clean, affordable, American energy can power the world,” said House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

“For the last two years, President Biden and his extremist friends in Washington have waged a war on American energy, and hard-working families across the country are paying the price. Gas and utility costs have skyrocketed to record highs, with the average American paying over 40 percent more for gas at the pump since President Biden took office. Voters gave Republicans the majority in Congress to stop this radical anti-American energy agenda, and to take action that will lower prices, and House Republicans listened. I am proud to introduce H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, to cut red tape and increase energy production here at home so we can lower energy costs and stop our dependence on hostile foreign countries for our energy and minerals, and am thankful for Rep. Carter’s important contribution to this bill. With the introduction of the Lower Energy Costs Act, we will show the country how to end the war on American energy, become energy independent again, and lower costs for hard-working families who are struggling under the weight of President Biden’s radical agenda,” said House Majority Leader Steve Scalise.


Read the full text of House Republican’s H.R. 1 here.

 Read the full text of Rep. Carter’s H.R. 1070, as passed through the Energy and Commerce Committee, here.
