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Carter supports temporary funding extension to avoid a government shutdown

The Continuing Resolution includes funding for FEMA and reauthorizes NFIP

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today supported a continuing resolution to fund the government through November 15th, 2023.

This landmark bipartisan package, expected to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate, would continue the fiscal year 2023 budget for forty-five days, avoiding a government shutdown so that talks can continue about how to address the nation’s $33 trillion debt crisis.

“I am thrilled that the House acted in a bipartisan manner to keep the government open and funded. We have a lot of work to do between now and November, and this continuing resolution will give us additional time to end the reckless spending that Washington Democrats continue forcing on Americans. We need to restore fiscal sanity, and I urge the Senate to quickly pass this bill and start negotiations,” said Rep. Carter.

The bill includes additional funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is under financial strain due to a year of unprecedented natural disasters, and reauthorizes the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), avoiding a lapse in its authority to sell flood insurance and borrow funds.

“The federal government has a duty to provide for its citizens safety. FEMA and the NFIP program provide necessary aid and coverage that many Americans, especially coastal Georgians, rely on for peace of mind and financial security. Dysfunction in Washington should not be the reason why individuals are forced to go without flood insurance or emergency assistance, and I was proud to support this vital protection,” said Rep. Carter.

Read the full text of the CR here.
