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Carter Demands Immediate Action at Westlake Apartments

Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-01) today demanded immediate action at the Westlake Apartments.

Carter has led the charge for assistance at the complex in the wake of Hurricane Matthew. After weeks of receiving inaccurate or incomplete information from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Carter today urged HUD Secretary Julian Castro to visit and intercede immediately on behalf of the tenants of the Westlake Apartments.

"We are now twenty days after the storm and HUD still cannot answer my questions or provide a plan to ensure these residents are in safe housing," Carter said. "I refuse to sit idly and allow HUD to see these people as statistics and not human beings who need action immediately. I strongly urge Secretary Castro to visit Westlake Apartments as soon as possible and I will continue to fight to ensure these residents receive the assistance they need."

In a letter to Secretary Castro, Carter wrote, "I have been in contact with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Aspen Company/Treetop Development (Westlake Apartments property management and owners), Savannah Public Housing Authority, U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and HUD’s regional office, with little to no coordination occurring on the ground. It has become evident that HUD is failing in its responsibilities, and it seems that HUD is treating these displaced families like statistics and not human beings. I request that you, Secretary Castro, visit Westlake Apartments to assess the damage and provide a detailed plan to immediately get the tenants into safe housing."

Click here to view Carter's letter to Secretary Castro.