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Carter Leads Demand for Explanation of Justice Thomas Absence from New Smithsonian

Representative Earl L. "Buddy" Carter, GA-1, demanded an explanation today about the absence of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas from the newly opened National Museum of African American History and Culture and requested plans to include Thomas in a permanent exhibit.

In a letter to Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution David J. Skorton, Carter along with Members of Congress from across the country wrote, "We write with grave concerns regarding recent reports that the historical nature of the life of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is not represented in the newly opened National Museum of African American History and Culture. Excluding Justice Thomas’ story from this institution denies its visitors an important representation of overcoming adversity to reach great heights.

"The background and accomplishments of Justice Thomas are worthy of inclusion in the museum on their own merits. Justice Thomas’ contributions to the judicial system through his appointment to the highest court in the country cannot be discounted. It is a disservice to his legacy and to the history of this nation to mention his name in a single caption, but provide no other exhibit showcasing his story.

"The National Museum of African American History and Culture states that it is an institution where 'anyone is welcome to participate, collaborate, and learn more about African American history and culture.' Justice Thomas’ exclusion from the new museum has led some to draw conclusions of a political bias in the curation of an institution that should be above reproach. With this in mind, we insist that you provide an explanation about the conspicuous absence of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas from the new museum, and of any future plans to feature him in a permanent exhibit."

Carter was joined on the letter sent to Secretary Skorton by Representatives Joe Barton, TX-6, John Duncan, TN-2, Joesph Pitts, PA-16, Steve King, IA-4, Louie Gohmert, TX-1, Lynn Westmoreland, GA-3, Mo Brooks, AL-5, Tim Huelskamp, KS-1, Austin Scott, GA-8, Mark Meadows, NC-11, Jason Smith, MO-8, Dave Brat, VA-7, Rick Allen, GA-12, Brian Babin, TX-36, Jody Hice, GA-10, and Barry Loudermilk, GA-11.

To view the full text of the letter, click here.