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Carter introduces bill authorizing President Trump to sell wasteful Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today introduced the Stop Wasteful Allocations of Money for Pelosi (SWAMP) Act, a bill authorizing President Trump to sell the Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building in San Francisco, California, citing it as a wasteful use of taxpayer dollars.

“We are over $36 trillion in debt. Instead of maintaining expensive, underutilized vanity projects for liberal politicians, the federal government should be focused on efficiency and fiscal responsibility. Selling the Speaker Nancy Pelosi Federal Building is part of a broader effort to rein in federal overreaches, reduce our debt, and put American taxpayers first,” said Rep. Carter.

Read full bill text here.


It is reported that the building opened in 2007 at a cost of $144 million. President Trump is said to be considering the sale of this building in his effort to rid out waste, fraud, and abuse from the federal government.
