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VIDEO: Rep. Carter Hears the Benefits of Tax Reform for Nine Line Apparel in Savannah

Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-Ga.) released the following video today after discussing the benefits of federal tax reform for a local Savannah business, Nine Line Apparel. 

"I recently traveled the district to speak directly with citizens and businesses in the First District about the benefits of tax reform," said Carter. "While at Nine Line Apparel, I learned that because of tax reform and the increased health of the company, Nine Line is able to give their employees more. I was told that to employees this is what is making the difference so they are able to buy Christmas presents for their kids or take a small family vacation. This is exactly why I supported the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to reform our tax code. Tax reform is directly benefiting hardworking Americans and small businesses in the First District. Our new tax code works to allow all citizens to achieve the American dream."

Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act with Carter's support and it was signed into law at the end of last year by President Trump. The new law is the largest reform to the American tax code in more than 30 years. To see more about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, click here