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Carter Celebrates Reversal of Newsprint Tariffs

Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-Ga.) celebrated the reversal of harmful newsprint tariffs. This newsprint is used by local newspapers here in the First District of Georgia and across the country.

"This decision is great news for hardworking Americans in the U.S. newspaper and commercial printing industries, as well as all of us who treasure the ability to stay informed and read the newspaper each day," said Carter. "President Trump is doing the right thing by working to correct the trade imbalance against America. However, we must ensure any actions are made in the best interest of American workers and jobs and are without unintended consequences. This particular case would have been detrimental to Georgia jobs and the First Amendment. That is why I fought to expose the negative impacts of this trade remedy and I celebrate the reversal."

Yesterday, the U.S. International Trade Commission announced a unanimous decision to terminate duties applied to uncoated groundwood paper, or newsprint, imported from Canada. 

Carter has fought against this imposition of duties. He sent a letter to U.S. Department of Commerce Secretary Ross and U.S. Trade Representative Lighthizer expressing serious concerns with the duty investigations into the import of groundwood paper from Canada, including imported newsprint and other commercial printing papers. He also urged both agencies to realize the negative impacts that any trade remedy could have on the U.S. newspaper and commercial printing industries, as well as the U.S. paper manufacturing industry.