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Carter Votes to Make Tax Relief for Georgians Permanent

Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-Ga.) voted today to make the individual and small business tax cuts in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which was signed into law last year, permanent. The nonpartisan Tax Foundation estimates this move to make the individual income tax provisions included in the new tax law permanent would create 1.5 million jobs and raise long run GDP by 2.2 percent. 

"Thanks to tax reform, Georgians are absolutely better off now than they were under our old complicated and burdensome tax code," said Carter. "Our economy is booming, workers are receiving pay raises and bonuses, unemployment is at historic lows and Americans are keeping more of their hard earned money. Tax reform is working to help Americans from all walks of life achieve the American dream and it is necessary to make these provisions permanent so this can continue."

The House passed the Protecting Family and Small Business Tax Cuts Act today with Carter's support. The legislation makes permanent the individual and small business tax cuts currently in the new tax law.