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Carter Votes to Halt EPA Power Grab on Water

Washington, January 13, 2016 | Mary Carpenter (202-834-0386)

Congressman Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (Ga-01) voted today to halt the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) power grab with the Waters of the United States rule. The United States House of Representatives passed S. J. Res. 22 with Carter’s support to halt the rule which would allow the EPA to regulate nearly all waters in the United States, including many streams, creeks, wetlands, and ponds.

“This rule is yet another example of the Obama Administration and the EPA encroaching on the American people in their own backyard,” Carter said. “If implemented, this rule would regulate driveway ditches, man-made ponds, and even watered lawns. Expanding EPA’s authority in this unprecedented way would be devastating to all land owners, especially farmers and small businesses. The legislation passed in the House today is critical to nullify this detrimental rule and ensure Americans maintain personal control over their property.”