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Carter Awarded the American Conservative Union Foundation's Award for Conservative Achievement

Congressman Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (GA-01) has earned the American Conservative Union Foundation's (ACUF) Award for Conservative Achievement. The award is earned by members of Congress with strong conservative voting records.  

“I am honored to receive the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Award for Conservative Achievement” said Carter. “Since I was elected to Congress, I have fought to maintain conservative values and ensure those values are reflected in my legislation and voting record. Now more than ever, it is critical that conservative voices remain the loudest to combat radical leftist ideologies that can permanently damage our nation’s integrity and democracy. I am humbled to be recognized by the foundation and encourage my colleagues stand up for conservative values.”

“Congressman Buddy Carter earned ACUF’s Award for Conservative Achievement for standing up for the conservative values of Georgians,” 
said ACU Chairman Matt Schlapp. “We are grateful for his support in the effort to hold Woke CEOs accountable for their statements about the integrity of our elections. We salute him for his leadership in the U.S. House and thank him for his service to the great state of Georgia.”

The ACUF, host of the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), bases this award off lawmakers’ voting record on a wide array of issues relating to fiscal, tax, regulatory, education, environment, Second Amendment rights, election security, life, and government integrity. All lawmakers in America at the federal and state levels are scored on a 100-point scale. Carter scored an 85 for his voting record in the 116th Congress.