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Rep Carter Joins Effort to Rescue Americans from Afghanistan

Washington, D.C., September 9, 2021 | MARIA PAPAKONSTANTINOU (202-834-0386)
U.S. Representative Earl L. “Buddy” Carter, is joining the effort to protect American Taxpayers by cosponsoring the Prohibiting Assistance to the Taliban Act. The legislation will ban American taxpayer dollars from being used for foreign aid or economic assistance to the Taliban in Afghanistan. 

"It is truly unbelievable that the Biden Administration wants to jeopardize the future of our children and grandchildren by recklessly giving the hard-earned money of the American people to fund the Taliban, a terrorist organization," said Representative Carter. "This is a betrayal to the American people, and I will fight to protect our taxpayers from these terrorists.”
The bill is a response to the withdraw of American troops from Afghanistan and the Biden Administration’s indication of their intent to recognize the Taliban as the legitimate government of Afghanistan. Rep Carter’s support of the bill is the continuation of his efforts to ensure all Americans are evacuated from Afghanistan.

Additionally, Rep. Carter supports H.R. 5127, a bill that would require the Secretary of Defense to submit to Congress daily reports on the evacuation of citizens and permanent residents of the United States from Afghanistan. It mandates additional reporting requirements on evacuation, any deals with the Taliban, and equipment left behind. It provides a Sense of Congress we should not reconizee the Taliban and blocks federal funds from going to the Taliban or providing sanctions relief. 

The original sponsor of the bill, Representative Mike Gallagher (R-WI) released the following statement:

“President Biden’s incompetence has left hundreds of Americans stranded in Afghanistan,” said Rep. Gallagher. “This common-sense bill holds the administration accountable by requiring them to develop a plan to save the people they left behind. Congress cannot sit on the sidelines during this crisis, and I’m grateful to have Rep. Carter's support in this effort.”

Despite the withdrawal of the American Armed Forces from Afghanistan, Rep Carter remains dedicated to ensuring the safety of all Americans and allies.

“I will not rest until the Biden administration is held responsible for their botched exit from Afghanistan that cost us the lives of thirteen service members," said Representative Carter. "That mission begins with making sure that all Americans and our Afghan allies are safely transported out of the country and away from the dangerous terrorists that are the Taliban.”