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Carter Continues Fight Against Democrats' Reckless Taxation & Spending

Washington, D.C., September 25, 2021 | MARIA PAPAKONSTANTINOU (202-834-0386)

U.S. Representative Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) voted against Washington Democrats' socialist tax and spending spree during the House Budget Committee’s markup today of the bill, which currently spends $4.3 trillion, with several House committees violating their reconciliation instructions. It is the most expensive piece of legislation in the history of the United States that includes over $2 trillion in taxes and will add over $2 trillion in debt to the country’s $28 trillion in national debt.
“This bill is a disaster for working families, with massive tax hikes on those who can least afford it – breaking President Joe Biden's promise to not raise taxes on American’s making under $400,000," said Carter. "This is completely out of control. There are trillions in deficit spending, all to give handouts to the wealthy while taxing the middle class and small businesses. It is unconscionable to ask Congress for a blank check with this reconciliation package.”


The Democrats' tax and spending spree will:

  • harm working families and small businesses – raising their taxes and exercising greater Washington command and control over their lives and livelihoods;
  • drive up the prices Americans pay for everyday goods and services by further fueling inflation and imposing new red tape and regulations;
  • increase energy prices for all Americans by banning low-cost, traditional energy resources and subsidizing wealthy environmentalists;
  • give tax breaks to the wealthiest Americans;
  • create a tax burden on America’s Main Street businesses higher than that of Europe or communist China, making the U.S. one of the most uncompetitive countries in the world; and
  • enact the largest tax increase in American history.

Washington Democrats continue to spend taxpayer funds at an unprecedented rate. “It is an insult to hardworking Americans whose wages are already being taxed in the form of higher prices for goods and services brought on by the Biden Administration’s inflation crisis. We must fight to put an end to this to protect our working-class families and those pursuing the American Dream," Carter concluded.