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Carter: “Democrat dysfunction is threatening our democracy”

U.S. Representative Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) today voted against a last-ditch effort by congressional Democrats to enact federal spending legislation in a timely manner without provisions to safeguard American’s constitutional rights.

“Lame duck Speaker Nancy Pelosi said it herself – when Congress fails to reach a deal, it is a failure of the party in charge. Washington Democrats are once again floundering right in front of our eyes,” said Carter. “Washington Democrats control all the levers of the federal government and are solely to blame if they cannot avert a shutdown. Democrat dysfunction is threatening our democracy by derailing efforts to accomplish one of the most basic responsibilities of governing.”

The House today passed a largely partisan spending bill by a vote of 221-212. House Democrats also blocked a vote on a Parents Bill of Rights, once again demonstrating a lack of concern for the American people and real legislation. 

The spending bill is expected to fail in the Senate where Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is blocking efforts to protect that American people from President Joe Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandate. Without agreement, the government will shut down on at midnight.

Carter called on Speaker Pelosi and Leader Schumer to take the threat of shutdown off the table by ending their blockade.

“Let’s hold a straight vote on vaccine mandates so the American people can see who is fighting for them,” Carter said. “Democrats will fight tooth and nail to advance their radical tax and spending sprees but abandon their responsibility when it comes down to doing the hard work of legislating.”
