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Carter on Democrats’ backroom election overhaul deal

WASHINGTON, D.C. – After a late-night closed-door meeting, House Democrats gutted a bipartisan bill to advance their radical federal election overhaul. 

Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) proudly voted against this disingenuous legislation. 

“If Congressional Democrats, who control both Chambers of Congress, believe their federal election overhaul is good legislation, then they should be able to pass it without rules trickery. Instead, they are sneaking it into an entirely unrelated bill to strong-arm Senator Manchin into caving to their radical ploy,” said Carter. 

H.R. 5746, once known as the NASA Enhanced Use Leasing Extension Act, was transformed into the Federal Election Takeover Act after House Democrats carved out portions of H.R. 1 and H.R. 4 to advance their election scheme and maintain indefinite power. It passed on a party-line 220-203 vote. 

“The 2020 Presidential election saw the highest voter turnout in history. We don’t have a voter suppression problem. Of course, elections can be improved. That’s why Georgia passed the Election Integrity Act to make voting easier and cheating harder. H.R. 5746, which denies States the power to administer elections specifically granted to them in Article 1 of the Constitution, does the opposite. It is a threat to Democracy and must be stopped,” said Carter. 
