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Carter responds to President Biden’s State of the Union

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) gave the following statement in response to President Biden’s first State of the Union address:

“I attended the State of the Union today because I made a promise to work with President Biden on bipartisan policies. Unfortunately, he used this pivotal moment, with the eyes of the world watching as Putin advances into Ukraine, to monologue about a union that is unrecognizable to Main Street Americans.

“When Congressional Democrats gave standing ovations as Biden railed against job creators, gun owners, and police officers, they cast shadows over struggling Americans who cannot afford to continue losing dollars, work, safety, and educational opportunities at the hands of this Administration.

“The state of the union, and the world, is in crisis. If President Biden focused on a true ‘unity agenda,’ not a left-wing agenda, we would be in a better position today. After tonight’s speech, I am concerned about our President’s ability to lead through this period of uncertainty.”
