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Carter slams Democrats’ disingenuous appropriations process

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) gave the following statement after Democrats forced a vote on a 2,741 page spending bill without proper consideration in the House:

“Pelosi is making a mockery of the appropriations process. Dropping a massive funding bill at 1:00 am the morning of the vote that, among other provisions, allocates $1.5 trillion in discretionary spending, is not a proper way to legislate. The appropriations process in Congress is broken and, given the fierce in-fighting we witnessed today, is reminiscent of a frail and fractured Democrat party,” said Carter.

“I recognize that the crisis unfolding in Ukraine is more important than the politicization in Washington, which is why I voted yes for the defense package. This funding will strengthen our national security and provide necessary aid to Ukraine,” said Carter. “Moving forward, I hope to see a Democrat party that legislates with integrity instead of holding crucial programs hostage to support their partisan agenda.”
