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Carter, Georgia Delegation Request Expedited Approval of Individual and Public Assistance

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U.S. Representative Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-GA-01), along with Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA) and Representatives Sanford Bishop (D-GA-02), Drew Ferguson (R-GA-03), Hank Johnson (D-GA-04), Karen Handel (R-GA-06), Rob Woodall (R-GA-07), Austin Scott (R-GA-08), Doug Collins (R-GA-09), Jody Hice (R-GA-10), Barry Loudermilk (R-GA-11), Rick Allen (R-GA-12), David…

President Trump Approves Georgia Emergency Declaration Following Call from Carter

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President Donald J. Trump today approved Georgia's emergency declaration. The announcement comes shortly after Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-01) requested that President Trump expedite the approval of Governor Nathan Deal's emergency declaration request.  The approval authorizes the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to identify, mobilize, and…

Carter Votes for Emergency Assistance for Hurricane Irma

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Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-01) today voted for emergency assistance for Hurricanes Irma and Harvey. The legislation also funds the government and raises the debt ceiling for three months.  "With Hurricane Irma heading our way, I absolutely had to vote for this legislation today," said Carter. "While I do not support the overall package and believe it does…

Carter, Isakson, Perdue, Ferguson, Scott, Allen Request Expedited Emergency Declaration Approval

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U.S. Representative Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-GA-01), along with Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA) and Representatives Drew Ferguson (R-GA-03), Austin Scott (R-GA-08) and Rick Allen (R-GA-12), today requested expedited emergency declaration approval for the State of Georgia.  Yesterday, Governor Nathan Deal submitted a request for an emergency declaration for…

Carter: President Trump Made Right Move on DACA

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Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-01) released the following statement following the Trump administration's announcement to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program: "President Trump made the right move today by ending this unconstitutional and illegal amnesty program. President Obama should have never implemented this program which he himself said he did not…

Carter Statement on President Trump's Tax Reform Speech

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Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-01) released the following statement in response to President Trump's speech on tax reform: "I have always said that I believe our antiquated and burdensome tax code is the greatest threat to economic opportunity in this country. I believe Americans need and deserve tax relief so strongly that I made sure my first act as a Member of Congress was…

Rep. Carter: President Trump’s commitment to border security is yielding results

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“President Trump’s unyielding commitment to securing our borders and protecting the American people is already yielding results,” Carter said. “In the first seven months of the year alone, the number of people arrested trying to enter the country illegal has been nearly halved. It’s clear the world knows America is serious about enforcing our laws. What’s more, the President’s commitment has also boosted the morale of our law enforcement agents along the border because they know he’s got their backs.”

Carter commends Trump’s ‘clear-eyed approach’ on Afghanistan

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Congressman Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) commended President Donald J. Trump on his “clear-eyed and comprehensive” strategy for Afghanistan and the region following his address to the American people outlining a new approach. “In his remarks, President Trump outlined a clear-eyed and comprehensive approach to addressing the threats our country faces in Afghanistan and the region,” said Carter. “I commend the President for taking the time to conduct this thorough review, hear from diverse perspectives, and arrive at a clear and concise strategy. “I was especially heartened to hear a departure from telegraphing maneuvers in advance and basing our strategy on political timetables,” Carter continued. “Instead we will empower our troops and their commanders to confront the threat head on with the full support of their Commander in Chief. Congress and the American people should unite and commit to doing everything we can to make this strategy a success.” In his remarks, President Trump announced three strategic shifts in America’s approach to the region. First, shifting from a time-based approach to one based on conditions on the ground. Second, increasing pressure on regional partners such as Pakistan to do more to improve the situation. Finally, ensuring warfighters have the tools and ground rules necessary to achieve their mission. “We’ve got the 3rd Infantry Division headquarters leading America’s efforts at Bagram Airfield right now,” Carter said. “We’ve had troops and their families undergo deployment after deployment. We’ve got the legacy of heroes such as Matthew Freeman from Richmond Hill who paid the ultimate sacrifice and Winston Hencley from Rincon who survived injuries few others could. For us and for our area, this is personal.” In addition to Fort Stewart, home to the 3rd Infantry Division, Congressman Carter represents Hunter Army Airfield, Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, and Moody Air Force Base in Congress.

Carter Statement on Senate Obamacare Vote

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Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-01) released the following statement after the United States Senate failed to pass legislation to repeal and replace Obamacare: "I have been frustrated with Washington since the first afternoon I arrived here. Unfortunately, that frustration has hit a new high with the Senate's failure to act. The House came together to pass legislation that would…

House Approves Border Wall Construction, Critical Support for the First District in Funding Bill

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Congressman Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (GA-01) voted in support of the Make America Secure Appropriations Act today to fund national security and First District priorities for fiscal year 2018.  This legislation includes critical funding for the First District of Georgia including $50.06 million for the construction of the Savannah Harbor Expansion Project and a combined $37.97…