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Carter: "Help is on the way" for Lymphedema patients

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Energy and Commerce Committee today passed the bipartisan Lymphedema Treatment Act, which expands Medicare coverage to include necessary compression treatment items for Lymphedema.

Nearly 5 million people suffer from this disease nationwide, which is frequently the result of cancer treatments and causes life-long, painful swelling that can impede daily life.

“Lymphedema patients have been denied this coverage for far too long. After battling cancer, survivors can be met with this equally debilitating diagnosis, but with far fewer resources in place to assist them,” said Congressman Carter. “As a pharmacist and a child of a cancer survivor, I’ve seen the pain that Lymphedema can cause. To those patients – help is on the way.”

“I have seen Lymphedema in constituents and friends, so I know that it can be painful and costly to treat,” said Congresswoman Schakowsky, lead Democrat sponsor of the bill. “Two-thirds of all Lymphedema cases start from cancer and cancer treatments. There is also no cure for Lymphedema. People living with the disease need medical compression garments to treat the painful swelling. My bill, The Lymphedema Treatment Act, will finally close the gap in Medicare coverage for people living with Lymphedema to cover these essential compression garments. I want to thank Chairman Frank Pallone, Ranking Member Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, the tireless advocates, the stakeholders, and all of the Members on both sides of the aisle for their support! I look forward to seeing the bill come to the Floor and passed out of the House.”

Read the text of H.R. 3630 here.
