WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) introduced two bills aimed at enforcing the executive branch’s budget deadlines, which are routinely ignored, causing Congressional delays and lack of transparency for taxpayers.
The Presidential Accountability for Yearly Submission of the United States’ Budget Act, or PAYSTUB Act, will withhold all political appointees’ salary payments until the presidential budget is submitted. The Presidential Budget Accountability Act, co-sponsored by Rep. Brad Finstad (R-MN), will withhold funds for presidential travel if the President fails to submit a timely budget to Congress. Reps. Tom Emmer (R-MN) and Randy Weber (R-TX) co-sponsored both bills.
“Without an enforcement mechanism in place, budget deadlines are mere suggestions. Like households and businesses across the country, the United States government cannot function properly without a budget - look no further than the $31 trillion in national debt for proof. We need the PAYSTUB Act and the Presidential Budget Accountability Act to pass so we can send a message to the American people that the balancing the budget is our top priority,” said Rep. Carter.
“With our nation reeling from the effects of fiscal recklessness, it is not too much to ask the executive to provide guidance—in a timely manner and as dictated by law—on how our nation’s treasure should be allocated by its government. But President Biden has ignored the budget deadline before, and his neglect to provide the taxpayers with his budget on time is unacceptable—especially when the taxpayers who fund the government in the first place are penalized financially for missing statutory deadlines. We will hold him accountable with withholding all political appointees’ salary payments and any taxpayer funds for Presidential travel if President Biden fails to submit a timely budget,” said Rep. Weber.
“The American people deserve a predictable and responsible budget process from the executive branch. I am grateful to Representative Carter for leading the PAYSTUB Act and the Presidential Budget Accountability Act, which will impose much-needed accountability measures when deadlines are ignored,” said Rep. Emmer.
“Last year’s Presidential budget was one of the most delayed in American history. It is the job of Congress to set the priorities for our nation’s spending and if our President would prefer not to have a say in this process and would rather shirk his responsibilities and go on taxpayer-funded vacations, then there should be consequences. As farmers, we live by the saying ‘work until the work is done,’ and we should expect the same of our President. I am proud to cosponsor The Presidential Budget Accountability Act, commonsense legislation that would prohibit the President from traveling on the taxpayer’s dime if the budget is not submitted on time,” said Rep. Finstad.
Read more in the Daily Caller.
Read the PAYSTUB Act here.
Read the Presidential Budget Accountability Act here.