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Carter demands border security plan in Biden’s SOTU address

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) released the following statement ahead of President Biden’s planned State of the Union (SOTU) address to a joint session of Congress on Thursday, March 7, which comes on the heels of UGA student Laken Riley’s murder at the hands of an illegal immigrant that reignited calls to secure the southern border:

"I’ve seen enough. If the death of nearly 200 Americans every single day due to illicit fentanyl poisoning – which is coming across our southern border practically unchecked – is not reason enough for this Administration to act, then perhaps the murder of daughter and future nurse Laken Riley will. To quote her own mother, this was an ‘avoidable tragedy.’ The President has authority to shut down the border right now yet refuses to do so.

"President Biden must use his State of the Union address to outline his plan to immediately secure our southern border. Anything less would be a disgrace to all Americans, especially those who lost a loved one due to the left’s wide-open border policies, and a complete abdication of presidential authority. The State of our Union is only as strong as the state of our borders, and right now we don’t have any."
