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Carter on House floor: POTUS “has emboldened Iran”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Earl L. “Buddy” Carter (R-GA) took to the House floor today to deliver remarks in favor of H.R. 6406, the Stand Against Houthi Aggression Act, which he is proud to cosponsor.

H.R. 6406 would reinstate sanctions placed on the Iran-backed Houthis during the Trump Administration and redesignate the group as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

Watch and read Rep. Carter's remarks here:

“Quite frankly Mr. Speaker, I am appalled that I have to say this, but the President of the United States has emboldened Iran to attack our greatest ally in the Middle East, and the only democracy in that region, Israel.

“In February of 2021, the Biden Administration removed the Houthis from the U.S. list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations.

“This was a terrible, terrible misjudgment that mirrors this administration’s complete lack of authority on issues of national and international security.

“Iranian-backed terrorist organizations have repeatedly, repeatedly proven that they will carry out the Iranian regime’s radical Islamic ideology to no ends. This weekend was a sobering reminder of that.

“It’s time to hold Iran and its proxies accountable for their actions. This requires that the U.S. take a firmer stance against Iran’s state-sponsored terrorism.

“The Stand Against Houthi Aggression Act places the Houthis back onto the list of Foreign Terrorist Organizations – where they should have been all along - and it imposes immediate, immediate sanctions on any individual associated with the group.

“If President Biden refuses to lead, I hope this body will step up in his absence to fight against antisemitism and state-sponsored terrorism.

“Anything less than that, Mr. Speaker, is unacceptable.”

Watch his full floor remarks in favor of H.R. 6046 here.
