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Carter, Peters reintroduce bill to strengthen U.S. nuclear energy

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Reps. Earl L. "Buddy" Carter (R-GA) and Scott Peters (D-CA) this week reintroduced the bipartisan Global Nuclear Energy Assessment and Cooperation Act. This bill will bolster the United States' nuclear energy sector while inhibiting our adversaries' nuclear capabilities, including both China and the Russian Federation. 

“With this bill, we have the opportunity to not only strengthen our own nuclear energy sector, but also expand access to American technologies and build a sustainable, reliable baseload energy grid around the globe,” said Rep. Carter. “I’m eager for Congress to take up this and other important nuclear legislation and I thank Rep. Peters for his support.”

“Through the Global Nuclear Energy Assessment and Cooperation Act, the U.S. continues solidifying its clean energy leadership here at home and abroad,” said Rep. Peters. “The concrete steps outlined in this legislation, including the training of foreign nuclear energy experts and the establishment of a U.S. International Nuclear Reactor Export and Innovation Branch, will ensure we remain the world's leading developer of nuclear energy. I thank Rep. Carter for his leadership and collaboration in this space.”  

Specifically, the Global Nuclear Energy Assessment and Cooperation Act will:

-      Promote better international cooperation and assistance relating to nuclear reactors;

-      Help build nuclear regulatory organizations or legal frameworks in other nations;

-      Counter strategic competitors like Russia and China; 

-      Prohibit the import of fuels from Russia, China, and other adversaries; and, 

-      Build up the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's international efforts by facilitating the issuing of licenses to import or export nuclear reactors.

"Nuclear energy is a vital component of a clean and reliable energy future in the United States and across the globe," said ClearPath Action CEO Rich Powell. "The Global Nuclear Energy Assessment and Cooperation Act will help keep America as the global leader of nuclear energy development, preventing foreign adversaries like China or Russia from gaining more ground on the nuclear energy markets.”

Read the full bill text here.
